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Definition of "once again" []

  • Again (once more, one more time). (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "once again" in a sentence
  • "Even more so than during her travels since leaving the da Vinci less than a week ago, the usually stalwart security chief found herself once again walking wobbly and feeling queasy as the ship sped toward its meeting with Thelkan traders."
  • "During the summer of 1998, Stuey once again found himself at a low ebb, depending upon others for handouts and loans, staying first at the Continental Motel, a third-rate gambling hall on South Maryland Avenue, for a month; and then at the Gold Coast for ten weeks, sinking into a miasma of despair in which he rarely left his room, spending most of his time doing drugs, watching television, and sleeping."
  • "His features once again schooled in the manner she knew all too well, her father said, “It sounds as though you have had many adventures since you joined Star-fleet, Domenica.”"