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Definition of "onanistic" [onanistic]

  • Of or pertaining to masturbation (onanism) (adjective)
  • In a manner which suggests masturbation; hence, fruitless, self-congratulatory, self-absorbed, pointless (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "onanistic" in a sentence
  • "The whole thing is essentially a carnival redux ofLady in the Water, in that Lady in the Water was a pointless, onanistic allegory about how misunderstood – nay, how veritably Christ-like – M. Night Shyamalan is for making movies as brilliant as Signs and, uh, The Village."
  • "Her fellow servants considered this a fair trade for indulging what seemed like a harmless fetish, but Powell understood the real transaction involved: This "gentleman" would never have asked something so onanistic of an equal."
  • "But then that is why our dear keiner is what he is, an onanistic waste paper hack who no doubt during his formative years was a regular recipient of the school yard beatdown for his daily lunch money to which he willingly and not so secretly submitted to with pleasure."
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