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Definition of "on a whim" []

  • Done without thinking seriously about the consequences. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "on a whim" in a sentence
  • "In fact, he thought again that Malcolm was precisely the type who would have tossed him over the falls on a whim if it weren't for two factors: (1) Miles worked for the Farino Family, and although the family was a pale shadow of its former self, they still commanded some respect on the street, and (2) Malcolm Kibunte knew that he would need Miles's legal skills again."
  • "He was seeking to save the young man by murdering his father, yet if Karpophorus was captured, there would be no blood feud, for the Ithakan king was, after all, only hiring Karpophorus on a whim to kill someone anonymous."
  • "And so on a whim she unmolded the beans from the pot and cut two slices."
Words like "on a whim"
on a lark