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Definition of "omnisciently" [omnisciently]

  • In an omniscient manner; with omniscience. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "omnisciently" in a sentence
  • "He replied omnisciently "sportswear and showmanship started in America.""
  • "We do not pretentiously think that right now we omnisciently know the most skillful advice to give each being in the universe to help overcome his or her specific difficulty of the moment."
  • "Unfortunately, Bush and Rumsfeld and behind the scenes Cheney declared omnisciently that Gitmo housed the worst of the worst, entitled to no serious hearings whatsoever to see if they were lawful combatants or, especially in the case of those taken away from an actual battlefield, any sort of enemy at all."