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Definition of "oilskinned" [oilskinned]

  • Protected with an oilskin coat.

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "oilskinned" in a sentence
  • "Stealing a glance over the top of my book, I saw him go by, sea-booted, oilskinned, sou'westered."
  • "We were a biscuit-toss away, and he sprang upon the rail at the jigger-shrouds and danced a war-dance and waved his free arm, and yelled his scorn and joy at their discomfiture to the several oilskinned figures on the stranger vessel's poop."
  • "An oilskinned figure wearing one of the Shangri-la's crew's fancy French sailor hats came running down the gangway and took the painter."