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Definition of "oilfish" []

  • A snake mackerel, Ruvettus pretiosus, having a high content of wax esters instead of glyceride oils (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "oilfish" in a sentence
  • "There are 53 species of fish, most of them edible. 27 are endemic, including Baikal sturgeon Acipencer schrenskii and A. baeri baicalensis, the omul salmon Coregonus autumnalis migratorius, Baikal black grayling Thymallus arcticus baicalensis, 32 species of bullhead Ictalurus spp. and the viviparous large and small oilfish golumyanka and gobi, Comephoridae baicalensis and C. dubowski."
  • "Three hundred years ago the High Lords were planning to build a fleet to follow Mayener ships and find the oilfish shoals."
  • "New deep-sea creatures snapped PREHISTORIC six-gilled sharks, giant oilfish, swarms of crustaceans and unidentified fish have been caught on camera 1400m deep at Osprey Reef, 350km northeast of Cairns."
Words like "oilfish"