"Mongols still loling their arse off when they remember how Chinese tryed to make their stepe and waste Land to "green oase with Bamboo and happy smiling pandas" back in 50-70ens.."
"Nastere [means birth in Rumanian] = sixth month of year, spring month, lambs and kids born, culling of the sheep and goat herds, planting of crops begins in earnest nian cheng = harvest report for the year oase = island, name of a Fling in the West Tendril ostrov = island, name of a Fling in the East Tendril"
"Don't you see, Jason, not only are you living proof of se, lffutfi! led prophecies you actually make people feol they're pleasing you by doing as they'p! oase; That to be lavished with attention would turn you off Another glance in his direction."