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Definition of "nudnick" []

  • (Yiddish) someone who is a boring pest (noun)

WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.

Use "nudnick" in a sentence
  • "She doesn't have enough money for a thorough, neshama-searching journey that will take her through concentration camps or across the Mediterranean, and she has a terrible aversion to an entire weekend eating over-salted beef teriyaki that bears an uncanny resemblance to brisket, and speed dating with nudnick Shloimeys who have jobs doing something in computers and pride themselves on their shuckeling (swaying) during prayer."
  • "And Henry Sellick turned down Fox because he couldn't imagine 3 years of this nudnick behavior after his experience with Anderson on Zissou."
  • "In the Hollywood version, ... the remake has a rabbi kicking a nudnick."