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Definition of "nose-ring" [nose-ring]

  • A circular ornament worn in the septum of the nose or in either of its wings. (noun)
  • A ring for the nose of an animal, as a bull or a pig. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "nose-ring" in a sentence
  • "The jewelry is delicate and plentiful, and includes several necklaces, numerous bracelets, large earrings, a wide slender hooped nose-ring, rather heavy anklets, and gold rings on all of her toes, and on most of her fingers (some sporting substantial gemstones)."
  • "She replied: “I have done as did Rebekah [for I gave both you and your ass to drink], but you did not act as did Eliezer [for you did not give me a gold nose-ring and arm bands].”"
  • "When the camels had finished drinking, the servant gave Rebekah “a gold nose-ring weighing a half-shekel, and two gold bands for her arms, ten shekels in weight” (Gen. 24: 22)."