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Definition of "noninvasively" []

  • In a noninvasive manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "noninvasively" in a sentence
  • "Institute investigators their genes with chimpanzees, our clos - are developing and perfecting tech - est non-human primate relative, are niques for handling samples that can much less susceptible to a variety of be obtained without ever disturbing the human diseases such as Alzheimer s subjects, so-called noninvasively disease, breast cancer, and malaria."
  • "Consider, just as examples, the Salk vaccine, which has virtually eliminated polio; and the MRI, which makes it possible to do internal examinations noninvasively."
  • "Matija Strlic and colleagues write in the ACS's Analytical Chemistry about "material degradomics," a techniques by which the odors emanating from old books are noninvasively analyzed to figure out which books are rotting and need preservation:"