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Definition of "noncontagious" [non•con•ta•gious]

  • Not contagious. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "noncontagious" in a sentence
  • "But still want to update you that at least a third test that has been taken on him has come back negative, showing that he is relatively noncontagious, which is the way that they phrased it still."
  • "Other facilities at other locations were also established to produce infectious agents for war, not only the pathogens of noncontagious diseases such as anthrax and tularemia but also highly contagious ones, plague and smallpox."
  • "Aplastic anemia is a noncontagious disease in which, for unknown reasons, the body's immune system destroys newly formed blood cells in the bone marrow, causing life-threatening anemia and high risk of infection and hemorrhage."
Words like "noncontagious"