An omission or neglect to do something, esp. that which ought to have been done. Cf. malfeasance.(noun)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "non-feasance" in a sentence
"But, as I've noted, S&P has no business meddling in American politics -- especially since its own non-feasance was partly responsible for the current size of the federal debt had it done its job the debt and housing bubbles wouldn't have precipitated the terrible recession, and the federal outlays it required."
"Civilian contractors in Iraq have been under investigation for years for overbilling, underperforming, and all manner of mis-, mal- and non-feasance."
"Besides the bursting of the housing bubble, Wall Street's malfeasance and non-feasance, and Washington's massive failure to oversee Wall Street, fingers are also being pointed at average Americans."