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Definition of "nomologically" [nomologically]

  • In terms or by means of nomology (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "nomologically" in a sentence
  • "Hence if a law imposed pre-interactive correlations then µIndependence would fail for any nomologically possible choice of initial conditions, and wouldn't require any special choice."
  • "Since the cognition of these objects does not require the correct application of concepts, some of these intuitions might pick out nomologically ill-behaved or rogue objects that fall outside the constraints of the Second Analogy."
  • "In one corner are incompatibilists, who insist that determinism, the view that all events are causally or nomologically determined by antecedent events, is incompatible with moral responsibility, and argue that responsibility requires that agents enjoy alternate possibilities for behavior, or are the"
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