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Definition of "nominally" []

  • In a nominal manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "nominally" in a sentence
  • "There is a certain nominally democratic appearance to the board but as a functional matter the Chairman runs the show."
  • "And the process by which federalism emerges here does not seem nearly as important as the power dynamic that results: Once the protection agencies have arrived at a mechanism for detente or dispute resolution or whatever we care to call it, why should we not expect this same mechanism to serve to permit them to exercise monopoly power as a cartel, whether or not the agencies remain nominally distinct?"
  • "Specifically, the southern provinces will remain nominally Iraqi but be allowed to hoard their oil wealth, impose backward polcies of religious fascism and become an uindisclosed satellite state of Iran."
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