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Definition of "nobilities" []

  • Plural form of nobility. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "nobilities" in a sentence
  • "The nobilities were the people who were nobles by birth, priests, and those who earned their rank."
  • "Our press does not reverence kings, it does not reverence so called nobilities, it does not reverence established ecclesiastical slaveries, it does not reverence laws which rob a younger son to fatten an elder one, it does not reverence any fraud or sham or infamy, howsoever old or rotten or holy, which sets one citizen above his neighbor by accident of birth: it does not reverence any law or custom, howsoever old or decayed or sacred, which shuts against the best man in the land the best place in the land and the divine right to prove property and go up and occupy it."
  • "I don't think according to my dictionary that an individual can be a "nobilities"."