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Definition of "neurologically" []

  • In a neurological manner. (adverb)
  • With regard to neurology. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "neurologically" in a sentence
  • "Wasserman-Schultz says that "neurologically," Giffords is in "a little bit better shape every day.""
  • "The point was that we do permit 11-year olds to engage in activities they may not be "neurologically" prepared for because the cognitive science the commenter who said that is referring to didn't exist when we drew all these lines for consent and gun ownership and tractor-riding."
  • "Brian C. Denton, the chief public defender in Prince George's, said. the youth is chronologically, emotionally, developmentally, and neurologically a 14-year-old, with a 14-year old's lack of judgment and impulse control."