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Definition of "nerka" [ner•ka]

  • The most important salmon of Alaska (Oncorhinchus nerka), ascending in spring most rivers and lakes from Alaska to Oregon, Washington, and Idaho; -- called also red salmon, redfish, blueback, and sawqui. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "nerka" in a sentence
  • "The species name nerka was given to anadromous sockeye (big redfish) and the name kennerlyi to kokanee (little redfish)."
  • "Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) is also known in as Red or Blueback Salmon."
  • "Growth rate and body composition of fingerling sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in relation to temperature and ration size."
Words like "nerka"
red salmon