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Definition of "navigators" []

  • Plural form of navigator. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "navigators" in a sentence
  • "The Snark has had to cull her navigators from the beach, and the navigator on the beach is usually a congenital inefficient -- the sort of man who beats about for a fortnight trying vainly to find an ocean isle and who returns with his schooner to report the island sunk with all on board, the sort of man whose temper or thirst for strong waters works him out of billets faster than he can work into them."
  • "The Snark has had to cull her navigators from the beach, and the navigator on the beach is usually a congenital inefficient - the sort of man who beats about for a fortnight trying vainly to find an ocean isle and who returns with his schooner to report the island sunk with all on board, the sort of man whose temper or thirst for strong waters works him out of billets faster than he can work into them."
  • "I have occasionally had the control of from five to six hundred men engaged in engineering operations as builders, masons, etc., and men of the class called navigators in England."