Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "navarrese" in a sentence
"It is from these ganaderías that the main navarrese ranches sprung."
"An idea of the antiquity of these animals is given by the fact that Juan Gutiérrez Altamirano, a cousin of Hernán Cortés, took cows and seed - bulls of the navarrese caste to Mexico in 1552 to found a ganadería of brave cattle, that which gave rise to the Atenco ranch of today - the name of the farm to which they were taken."
"Given the little or almost nil information about the origins of this ranch or ranches, and for the characteristics of those for which we have information, it could be that these bulls had their origins in the navarrese caste, perhaps crossed with cows from the area - salamancan or from the banks of the Jarama."