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Definition of "mwah" [mwah]

  • Making the sound of a kiss; the sound used to indicate sending a kiss through the air; Frequently used in email, chat and text messages to indicate sending a kiss to someone. (interjection)
  • The hallmark sound of a fretless bass guitar played with a certain technique, where treble frequencies increase gradually after the attack. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "mwah" in a sentence
  • "My very first cover for Ellora's Cave has arrived, and if it were a tangible physical object I would carry it everywhere and give it kisses. * mwah, mwah*"
  • "The way he says 'mwah' to send me kisses over the phone... his laugh... oh, his laugh - I could seriously die and I'd be happy just hearing his beautiful laugh."
  • "Mr C, the "mwah" part is reserved for your wonderful wife solely."