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Definition of "mudcat" [mudcat]

  • A catfish, Ameiurus natalis, native to the Mississippi Delta, especially the yellow bullhead (noun)
  • A much larger catfish, Leptops olivaris. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "mudcat" in a sentence
  • "Of course the shorter response to mudcat is a simple F-you buddy, we don’t need no stinkin’ elitist experts on non elite voters we need better policy outreach and if mudcat’s writing at the swamp is any sign of it he is not the man to do it. aimai rea Says:"
  • ""mudcat" hates democrats of all stripes, it seems, unless they are somehow "pure" and "of the heartland". that's the same kind of bias we see in the republican party. why do we have "de facto" republicans or people who at least think like republicans running democratic campaigns?"
  • "Fuck “mudcat” saunders and his fake conrpone populism."