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Definition of "mousier" []

  • Comparative form of mousy: more mousy (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "mousier" in a sentence
  • "When it comes to women in business, there is a common assumption that being super-rich and beautiful, with long blonde hair and an elegant 5'11 frame, usually means you are not taken as seriously as your male or mousier colleagues."
  • "Consider This: This virtue name is gaining popularity, but it has a mousier image than, say, Hope or Charity."
  • "She marched against the war; she cheered Jane Fonda's visit to Hanoi, while her mousier roommate kept her subversive thoughts to herself and read literature and went to chamber-music recitals and thought about getting an M.L.S. degree after graduation and then finding a librarian's job in some quiet liberal-arts college."