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Definition of "motorisation" []

  • Alternative spelling of motorization. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "motorisation" in a sentence
  • "'motorisation' of economies are strong, and then peaks and declines as the less energy-intensive service sector begins to occupy a larger share of economic activity (figure 11.2) .8 The later a country industrialises, the lower its peak energy intensity because of intervening improvements in the efficiency of energy conversion processes - especially for electricity generation - and energy use."
  • "He makes golems, creatures molded in clay, then gives them motorisation with a tablet of glyphs stuck in its mouth, a stolen soul, and some magic."
  • "Organisers say Africa has the highest road death rate per head of population in the world, and has so far only avoided a catastrophic explosion of road deaths because of relatively low motorisation and an underdeveloped road network."