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Definition of "minging" []

  • Unattractive or repulsive (adjective)
  • Unclean or dirty (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "minging" in a sentence
  • "(Potteries usage)Incidentally, in the lead-in to the Elmes quote, the word minging is used; for those who, like myself, were wondering how it's pronounced, it rhymes with singing and is Scots in origin, meaning (according to the OED) That smells bad, stinking; (more generally) unpleasant, foul."
  • "Haha, you're proper loving the word minging at the moment aren't you?"
  • "Except for the little things like the 'minging' toilets that take away the pleasure of one of the most exciting activities of the day i.e taking a dump with a good book The mood has to be right!"