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Definition of "military strength" []

  • Capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war (noun)

WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.

Use "military strength" in a sentence
  • "Instead of cutting paths through the forest, and exhibiting his military strength in an orderly and proper way as the Admiral intended he should, he marches forth from St. Thomas, on hearing that Columbus has sailed away, and encamps no further off than the Vega Real, that pleasant place of green valleys and groves and murmuring rivers."
  • "Their intention was for the creation of a "decent Germany," that national entity whose elusive quality has for so long been the despair of European politicians, and being Germans, they naturally held military strength and constitutional order to be corollaries of "decency.""
  • "There was to be no declaration of war, and the aim of the operation was "to destroy Polish military strength and to create a situation in the East which satisles the requirements of defence.""