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Definition of "microtonal" []

  • Of, relating to, or written using microtones. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "microtonal" in a sentence
  • "Speaking as an on-again-off-again microtonal composer, the Sims in particular seemed well rehearsed; perhaps the strings 'reduction to around a dozen helped."
  • "But the other main musical issue is that in Indian music, you have this very complicated system, or complex system, I should say, of ornamentation that, again in the West, it's kind of glossed over by being referred to as microtonal or quarter tones, and it's much more complex than that."
  • "Taking full advantage of the udderbot's tonal capacity, the majority of music on the program is "microtonal", i.e. using notes and intervals that fall "between the keys" of the piano."