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Definition of "microelectromechanical" [microelectromechanical]

  • Describing any very small electromechanical system or device that is larger than a nanoelectromechanical one. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "microelectromechanical" in a sentence
  • "Driven in part by the rapid rise in acceleromter adoption, iSuppli expects sales of all kinds of "microelectromechanical" sensors or MEMs for mobiles phones to jump from about $460.9 million in 2008 to"
  • "A University of Florida research team is developing nano-batteries that could enable smaller, smarter, feature-packed mobile devices, as well as truly tiny power sources for "microelectromechanical" devices (aka MEMS):"
  • "Smartdust is a hypothetical network of tiny wireless microelectromechanical systems including sensors, robots, or other devices, installed with wireless communications, that can detect anything from light, to temperature, to vibrations, to chemical composition, etc."