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Definition of "medicator" []

  • One who medicates; one who prescribes or prepares medicines. (noun)
  • An instrument for carrying remedies into a cavity of the body, as the larynx; an applicator. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "medicator" in a sentence
  • "People are reaching for their "go to" medicator whether it be food, alcohol, drugs, sex or even spending."
  • "If the accused has friends, either to pay or tamper with the medicator, the draft is commonly made weak enough to insure its harmless rejection from the culprit's stomach; but when the victim is friendless, time is allowed for the entire venom to exude, and the drinker dies ere he can drink the second bowl."
  • "Quis autem alius uel seruator bonorum uel malorum depulsor quam rector ac medicator mentium deus?"
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