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Definition of "maturated" []

  • Simple past tense and past participle of maturate. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "maturated" in a sentence
  • "What makes these radically minimal images compelling is both their sense of life-narrative conclusiveness - their simplicity's a painstakingly honed decision - and their way of evoking a kind of maturated perspective, one that's satisfied taking stock in the close observance of what's at hand and in no hurry to discover anything more."
  • "Autumn is the time of the harvest because the once new-born animals are maturated and ready to be slaughtered, the plants are harvested because the frost will kill them soon."
  • "Our one eyed leader has not been having a good time of it over recent months and what with global economic conditions getting worse by all accounts and him having maturated away much of the nations wealth things will be getting rather bad here in the UK."
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