Simple past tense and past participle of masticate.(verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
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"The food, when thoroughly masticated, is conveyed by another channel to the third stomach or many-plies, where it is subjected to muscular action; and, finally, it is conveyed into the fourth stomach, or red bag, which contains the gastric juice, and which in calves is the part used for rennet; and here the process of digestion is completed."
"And a general weariness in having the same conversation about genre versus the mainstream that crops up whenever a young'un who hasn't bothered to read anything published on the internet over the last decade gets the bright idea to write in haphazard fashion about a topic that's like the same piece of gum masticated for a month."
"She fits the words in between small mouthfuls that she chews assiduously, her brown rice cud masticated to sweet grainy liquid before she swallows it down."