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Definition of "maskalonge" []

  • A kind of pike, Esox nobilior, a fish of the family Esocidæ, the largest and finest of all pikes inhabiting the Great Lake region of North America and the Ohio valley. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "maskalonge" in a sentence
  • "Over the gunwale of the banca, in a sparkle of flying spray, silvery in the morning sun, the maskalonge gleamed."
  • "They lived for some days on the excellent flesh of the maskalonge, on clams from the beach -- enormous clams of delicious flavor -- on a new fruit with a pinkish meat, which grew abundantly in the thickets and somewhat resembled breadfruit; on wild asparagus-sprouts, and on the few squirrels that Stern was able to "pot" with his revolver from the shelter of the leafy little camping-place they had arranged near the river."
  • "In the bigger waters, maskalonge and, of course, any amount of pike and pickerel."