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Definition of "marsupiata" []

  • Same as Marsupialia.

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "marsupiata" in a sentence
  • "I do not doubt that he would say the placentata having single wombs, whilst the marsupiata have double ones, is an instance of this law."
  • "In the "_Animal Kingdom_" of the great naturalist just named, the marsupiata, or pouched animals, are made to occupy the fourth place among the nine orders of the Mammalia; but should they not rather occupy a place intermediate between the placental mammals and the birds? and does not nature indicate their true position by the position which she assigns to them in the geologic scale?"
  • "The marsupiata are not oviparous, for their _eggs_ want the enveloping shell or skin; but they, too, are extruded in an exceedingly rudimentary and foetal state, and have to undergo in the pouch a greatly longer period of _incubation_ than that demanded by nature for any bird whatever."