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Definition of "manholes" [manholes]

  • Plural form of manhole. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "manholes" in a sentence
  • "In Woonsocket, Rhode Island, the City Council has ruled that from now on those metal-covered holes in our streets we've long called manholes will henceforth be known as person holes."
  • "They stopped calling manholes manholes, because it was sexist."
  • "So while we still have "manholes" and women in the U.S. make only 77 cents to every dollar a man brings home, and President Barack Obama needed a journalist to point out that his golf game buddies should not be of only one gender, the Sophia Smith Collection is there, offering the stories of women of all backgrounds and how they have campaigned for "change we can believe in.""