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Definition of "mandarinism" []

  • A government of mandarins; character or spirit of the mandarins. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "mandarinism" in a sentence
  • "From the prison it is only a short distance to the judgment-seat, and passing once more through the “Gate of Righteousness,” we crossed a large court infested by gamblers and fortune-tellers, and presented ourselves at a porch with great figures painted on both its doors, and gay with the red insignia of mandarinism, which is the entrance to the stately residence of the Naam – Hoi magistrate, one of the subordinate dignitaries of Canton."
  • "From the prison it is only a short distance to the judgment-seat, and passing once more through the "Gate of Righteousness," we crossed a large court infested by gamblers and fortune-tellers, and presented ourselves at a porch with great figures painted on both its doors, and gay with the red insignia of mandarinism, which is the entrance to the stately residence of the Naam-Hoi magistrate, one of the subordinate dignitaries of Canton."
  • "I am not convinced that [Caldwell's] attempt to move the conversation to a question of who owns the means of literary production does anything more than nudge us toward a severe reification of outsiderness, an anti-brand mandarinism."