"July 11, 2008 at 3:29 pm oxy clen wurk 2 take away smell it wud help make dem go in box… romey did dat wen we shaved hem to luk liek lion.. not ME anyway..mai mom did and he got mad an started peeing in her room. mai PARENTS room anaways but he was mad at mai mom. but da vet said oxy clean an it worked. he no looke liek lion anymo."
"Sumfing green an cweeping jess borked mai eerdrum…..mai snostrilz…mai mow..glubgluagblubskreeeeeeyaawwwwwwmumbllllllllllllllllll………………"
"Le joli mai is a wonderful time to visit Belgium and France, especially since others -- taxpayers -- are picking up the tab"