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Definition of "long weekend" []

  • A weekend extended by one or more days off falling on the days that surround it. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "long weekend" in a sentence
  • "I said to Audrey Newton, 'I think it would be a marvellous idea if you would go away for a lovely long weekend at the seaside.'"
  • "They had flown here from points north and west for a gathering known as a Widowbago, organized by and for users of and held every week or so at locations nationwide, although most take place over lunch or dinner with an occasional long weekend such as the annual retreat in Fort Lauderdale."
  • "It was the long weekend and there was no other way to start it off right, with the exception of feeding their faces on Thanksgiving, then with some good, finger-popping music at the Hole."