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Definition of "logomania" []

  • Great enthusiasm for words. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "logomania" in a sentence
  • "From an inconspicuous start among sentries on the battlements the infection spread through prince, king, prime minister and courtiers, causing hallucinations, logomania, and paranoia resulting in inane suspicions and murderous impulses."
  • "Naked Lunch are inseparable from its speech - it is the cool remote mouthpiece of headquarters and the jabbering orifice that never shuts up, it is always opening and closing pneumatically with a will and intent all its own, discharging, dribbling, eating/speaking in undifferentiated profusion, uncontrollable, helplessly suctional, the biomechanical instrument of logomania, ravishment and possession -"
  • "Ms. Klein has a great Lie to face at the center of her theorizing .... in a society composed at its center of spin, advertising, logomania, and pr ... the truth is an impossibility."