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Definition of "log-slate" [log-slate]

  • Nautical, a double slate, marked and ruled on its inner side, like a log-book, on which the log is first recorded. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "log-slate" in a sentence
  • "I opened and shut a drawer under my desk, on which a filled-up log-slate lay wide open in its wooden frame waiting to be copied neatly into the sort of book I was accustomed to write with care, the ship's log-book."
  • "That night, lying flat on her back on the deck with a quadrant to her eye, she "got a star and brought it down to the horizon," and sat up under the reeking lamp in the cabin nearly the whole night ciphering and ciphering till she had filled up the four sides of the log-slate with her calculations."
  • "The last entry on the log-slate had been made at eight o'clock on the previous morning; and the log-book had been written-up as far as noon on the day preceding that."