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Definition of "lith" [lith]

  • Owndom; property. (noun)
  • A gate; a gap in a fence. (noun)
  • A limb; any member of the body. (noun)
  • A joint; a segment or symmetrical part or division. (noun)
  • A segment of an orange, or similar fruit. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "lith" in a sentence
  • "And the lithprints [a photographic print developed in lith developer that was baptised by Anton a lithprint."
  • "Wikipedia has an interesting blurb about it: "Whilst he was in fact describing an actual geological feature - a laccolith which he saw as resembling a cactus 1 - he was also, tongue-in-cheek, commenting on what he saw as an absurd number of "-lith" words in the field of Geology.""
  • "Foundries have for the past four and a half cen­turies thrived through further advances, such as lith­o­g­ra­phy in the 19th century, the inven­tion of the type­writer and again adapted with the rising pop­u­lar­ity of the per­sonal com­puter in the 1980s."