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Definition of "linoleic" []

  • Of, or derived from linoleum, or linseed oil (adjective)
  • Designating an organic fatty acid, a thin yellow oil, found combined as an ester of glycerol in oils of linseed, poppy, hemp, and certain nuts; it is a polyunsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms and two double bonds. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "linoleic" in a sentence
  • ""We know that many tumors are largely dependent on a nutrient called linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, in order to grow," said David Blask, M.D., Ph."
  • "Soy oil would be especially helpful for a diet that was missing the essential omega-6 fatty acid called linoleic acid."
  • ""Nutritionally, a high level of saturated fatty acids in food might be undesirable because of the association of saturated fatty acids with incidences of artheriosclerotic disorders," the team wrote, adding that the presence of essential fatty acids such as linoleic linolenic, and arachidonic acids further points to the nutritional value of these insects and larval oils."