Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "lighte" in a sentence
"What kind of self respecting Warren Ellis fans makes things lighte... ::rashen frashen fricken fracken::"
"Firste let him sorowe, not with a lighte forthinckinge, but with a moste earneste and bittre repentaunce in the botome of his conscience: for the puritie and innocencie that he had gotten eyther by baptisme or the benefite of former repentaunce, and nowe hathe eftsones loste, and forgone throughe sinne."
"And yet vpon respecte that the heade is the place for the eyes, it ought to be of more lighte, and to bee separate with a particion, in the steade of a necke, from the body of the Churche."