Having a light green color, similar to the color of fresh grass.(adjective)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "light-green" in a sentence
"Carved on the inside walls of a light-green bowl 13th to 14th century, long-necked cranes splay their wings as though braking to land on a barely discernible lotus bud."
"Saoutis, at 6-foot-3, with a shaved head and lanky, 175-pound frame, took the witness stand at noon Tuesday wearing a dark suit and light-green tie."
"Standing almost isolated on a wooded road, in a development mostly populated by French- and Mediterranean-style houses, the Breauxs's three-story Tudor-influenced house resembles something out of a Grimm's fairy tale, with a slate roof, gingerbread brown wood columns, a pale yellow stucco exterior, light-green window frames and two stone fountains out front."