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Definition of "lexicological" []

  • Pertaining to lexicology (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "lexicological" in a sentence
  • "Other predominant reasons Anderson presents for the pervasive spread of nationalism are new inventions of ideal types of nationalist symbols and other idioms such as lexicological terms that exclude, stereotype, and stress human differences in lieu of bridging human ideological gaps."
  • "But, if your real meaning was not to state an apparent lexicological untruth, but to make a provocative gambit intended to introduce an argument that there are empirical reasons that anyone possessing property has actually stolen it from some proper owner, or that the very concepts of property , or ownership are incoherent in themselves, or maybe contrary to the natural order of things, then its your move!"
  • "These are the cardiovascular activity, antiparasitic activity, antiviral activity as well as the verification of some lexicological aspects of products that can be clinically used."