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Definition of "lay down the law" []

  • To promulgate law. (verb)
  • To present the law that applies to a given case. (verb)
  • To authoritatively or dogmatically assert what is permitted or not permitted. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "lay down the law" in a sentence
  • "He positioned himself behind the stand like Doc Layman with his forensics class and forced himself to think of his other assignment so he wouldn’t get antsy when it came time to lay down the law to his men, three detectives older and much more experienced than he."
  • "For if any one following nature should lay down the law which existed before the days of Laius, and denounce these lusts as contrary to nature, adducing the animals as"
  • "Martin Poyser was not a frequenter of public houses, but he liked a friendly chat over his own home - brewed; and though it was pleasant to lay down the law to a stupid neighbour who had no notion how to make the best of his farm, it was also an agreeable variety to learn something from a clever fellow like Adam Bede."