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Definition of "laurels" []

  • Plural form of laurel. (noun)
  • Honors. From the Ancient Greek practice of crowning victors with a branch from the laurel bush, sacred to Apollo. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "laurels" in a sentence
  • "The flashing of torches and the beautiful radiance of blue lights (technically, Bengal lights) upon the heads of our horses; the fine effect of such a showery and ghostly illumination falling upon our flowers and glittering laurels [Footnote: "_Glittering laurels_": -- I must observe that the colour of _green_ suffers almost a spiritual change and exaltation under the effect of Bengal lights.]; whilst all around ourselves, that formed a centre of light, the darkness gathered on the rear and flanks in massy blackness: these optical splendours, together with the prodigious enthusiasm of the people, composed a picture at once scenical and affecting, theatrical and holy."
  • "On the day that the PLP seeks to wrap itself in laurels of humanitarianism, their Government admits that there are still no funds to replace the decrepit and wholly inadequate homeless shelter in Bermuda."
  • "The writers for this episode certainly don't rest on their laurels from the season opener."