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Definition of "lassies" []

  • Plural form of lassie. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "lassies" in a sentence
  • "Brandanes of the Kings; but she was old and lived alone, except maybe when the young lassies would be doing the scouring of her blankets, tramping like all that, and among the lassies was the saying that Mhari nic Cloidh had the gift."
  • ""Och, it's the lassies will be the pleased ones, coiling the blankets round them; it's Auld Kate that kens," and then she gave a screitchy hooch and began to sing in her cracked thin voice --"
  • "The "doughnuts for doughboys" came about because some of the Salvation Army "lassies" decided that morale would be higher if the men had something good to eat, and doughnuts became the refreshment of choice because of the limited supply of ingredients available to them."