"Elm, ash, gean, the wild cherry, and the rare native large-leaved lime, Tilia platyphyllos, also grow in these woods, and stripes of alder wood follow the swampy seepage from springs and wells higher up."
"Fynbos/Thicket Mosaic, as its name implies, is a mixture of fynbos elements (mainly ericoid shrubs and restioids) and large-leaved subtropical shrubs (Cassine and Maytenus, both in the family Celastraceae; Sideroxylon spp., in the family Sapotaceae; Rhus spp. in the family Anacardiaceae)."
"Above 900 m. in altitude, there are smaller trees and palms such as Pithecellobium longifolium, Euterpe precatoria, Geomoma oxicarpa and the arborescent fern Trichipteris procera; many vascular epiphytes, Vriesia elata, Guzmania lingulata, large-leaved understory plants Calathea insignis, Diffenbachia longisphata; mosses and hepatics, Octoblepharum albidum, Leucomium compressum."