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Definition of "knowledge-box" []

  • The head. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "knowledge-box" in a sentence
  • "The wind, which is very high up in our hills of Judea, though, I suppose, down in the Philistine flats of B. parish it is nothing to speak of, has produced the same effects on the contents of my knowledge-box that a quaigh of usquebaugh does upon those of most other bipeds."
  • "Now I'm jest a-goin 'to let daylight into that little knowledge-box o' yourn, an 'fill it with good, wholesome idees, clean up to the brim, an' runnin 'over, -- good, honest,"
  • "Judge Pardee, a bibulous and oracular limb of the law, had been chosen inquisitor-general, with powers to call for all the news that was stowed away in that secretive "knowledge-box" on the shoulders of the Engineer."