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Definition of "kitcat" []

  • A short portrait. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "kitcat" in a sentence
  • "The portrait was a 'kitcat' of a young gentleman, bravely dressed in the fashion of 1750, and he very faintly remembered some old tales that his father had told him about this ancestor -- tales of the woods and fields, of the deep sunken lanes, and the forgotten country in the west."
  • "Is yu still underdere, kitcat? cumowt, cumowt, itz Toosdai naow."
  • "That he exactly could not tell the worshipfuls but his mother-inwaders had the recipis for the price of the coffin and that he was there to tell them that herself was the velocipede that could tell them kitcat."
Words like "kitcat"