A unit of force equal to the force which, acting for one second, will give a pound a velocity of one foot per second; -- proposed by J. D. Everett, an English physicist.(noun)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "kinit" in a sentence
"(Hanukkah does not really come with a gift-giving precedent like Christmas, so for us, it was always hand-kinit slippers, some chocolate raisins and a box of our favourite tea.)"
"Services (kinit, klogin, ..) on the client machine then decrypts the TGT using the user's key (which is derived from the user's password)."
"I open a terminal window and run the newly-built kinit command with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to the lib directory, and it runs smoothly and correctly, showing the kinit help page."